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Basics You Should Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrom
Basics You Should Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrom

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a very common problem among Americans. Generally, the bones in the wrist form the carpal tunnel by a transverse carpal ligament. Remember that the median nerve goes through the tunnel and when compression of the median nerve at the wrist occurs, you may experience CTS. If the median nerve is enlarged due to some reason, then you should go to a specialist for getting suitable carpal tunnel treatment options.

You can feel sensation in your index finger, thumb, ring finger and long finger due to the median nerve. You may experience CTS in both of your hands.

The Symptoms

Generally, the symptoms can be found in the nerve path due to compression of the median nerve. You may drop various objects frequently due to CTS. The other symptoms are:

  1. You may experience pain in the wrist and you cannot sleep due to extreme pain

  2. Notice tingling, numbness and pain in the fingers and the thumb of your hand.

  3. Burning sensation and pain can spread through your arms.

  4. Feeling weakness in the muscles of your hand.

Reasons behind CTS

When the median nerve in your wrist takes excessive pressure, it can lead to pain in the carpal tunnel. There are various underlying medical conditions that sometimes obstruct the blood flow and swelling in the wrist. The following are:

  • High blood pressure

  • Diabetes

  • fractures to the wrist

  • thyroid dysfunction

  • rheumatoid arthritis

  • Fluid retention because of pregnancy.

The Treatment Options

When you experience these symptoms, you should go to a doctor for getting the best carpal tunnel treatment options. You should not waste your time. The expert will evaluate your condition, ask about your medical history and recommend doing a few diagnostic tests including ultrasound, X-ray, Nerve Conduction Study and Electromyogram. He or she also does physical examinations such as check strength, a sensation of the particular area.

The specialist may recommend nonsurgical treatment including medication, physical therapy or bracing but if it does not work, and then he or she may recommend doing surgery.

How Can You Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

You have to change your daily lifestyle in order to reduce the risk factors for developing it. You should avoid particular activities that can overextend your wrist. You have to pay attention while using your hand and do physical therapy exercises regularly to reduce the pain.

Consult with Us

If you are feeling pain in your wrist and drop things sometimes without any reason, then you should get advice from the experts of Neuroscience Specialists.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.