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Tips to Release Muscle Spasm
Tips to Release Muscle Spasm

A spasm happens when the muscles of the neck contract abruptly. Your neck is sore and stiff, potentially affecting the ability to turn your head. A painful movement of the neck or muscle strain induces spasm of the arm. See what neck pain specialists have to suggest releasing immense pain.

Have a Massage

Massage therapy will help you unwind, because your muscles will relax and your neck spasm can relieve the discomfort. The gentle pressure on your stiff neck can release tensions from the narrow muscle, relieve the body and restore your neck's range of motion.

Talk of NSAIDs

Non-inflammatory over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve), can be used to alleviate swelling and relieve discomfort from neck spasm. Such drugs do not manage the neck spasm underlying symptoms but will provide early help to alleviate pain quickly.

Scan the warning label extensively before using any drug. Check with your doctor or pharmacist whether you are already taking a drug before trying some other drug.

Using Cold Therapy / Heat Treatments

Cold treatment can help to alleviate pain from your neck spasm, reducing local inflammation. Place an ice and some water in a plastic bag and wrap it in a fine towel. Press it against your neck's sore area.

Heat treatment can also be used to find relief. Place a heating pad on your back, moved to a low point. If you want to, stand in the shower and touch your neck by a gentle stream of warm water. Warmth will increase the blood flow to the area concerned, relax the muscles and relieve your pain. If that also does not release your pain, call neck and back doctors near you.

When ice or heat is applied, restrict appliances for skin damage to approximately 15 minutes per 2 hours.


Your neck spasm may mean that you should not shift your arm, and your stressed muscles may need a rest. One way of relaxation is to lie on your back under your head and pillow under your legs with a cervical pillow or neck pin. Play soothing music or a podcast to help you spend time relaxing.

When to See Your Physician

Many spasms in the neck happen due to a sudden strain of the muscle and will clear in a week. Such pain may indicate a fundamental spinal problem, such as arthritis or herniated disk. Such a condition can be detected. Consult the physician for any unexplained neck pain not starting to feel better within a week or so. For immediate medical attention, if your neck pain is accompanied by extreme headache, swelling, nausea, numbness / weakness of arm or other alarming signs.

Visit Neuroscience Specialist in OKC to talk to a neck pain specialist if the pain does not go away.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.