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Various Nonsurgical Treatment Options for Cervical Radiculopathy
Various Nonsurgical Treatment Options for Cervical Radiculopathy

If you are suffering from cervical radiculopathy, then there are various treatment options available to deal with this problem. The cervical radiculopathy specialist recommends a suitable treatment option based on the underlying cause and symptoms. First, the specialist will apply Nonsurgical treatments and if the problem cannot progress for at least six to 12 weeks, then they can recommend surgery.

Various Nonsurgical Treatment Options

Take Rest and Restrict High Activity

You have to restrict strenuous activities including carrying heavy weights or sports and take rest as much as possible. You should sit in better posture while driving or sitting.

Heat and Ice Therapy

When you feel pain, you can apply ice or a heat pack to the neck in order to get relief from pain. For instance, if you apply ice therapy after strenuous activity, then it will help you to reduce inflammation and pain. You should put a layer of cloth between the skin and the pack so that the pack does not touch your skin directly. You should apply it for a maximum of 15 to 20 minutes and must take a break of two hours in between.


You can take over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines including ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen to reduce inflammation in this case. If the pain cannot be reduced, then you should take stronger medicines including muscle relaxants, NSAIDs and opioid-based medications on a short-term basis by consulting a cervical radiculopathy specialist.

Cervical Traction

The specialist applies the cervical traction device gently to pull your head up. The process is applied in order to provide more spaces between cervical vertebrae. If the patient gets relief by applying this method in the clinic, then the specialist recommends applying a home traction device in the home.

Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection

If the cervical radiculopathy specialist can understand which root of the nerve is inflamed, then he or she may consider cervical epidural steroid injection to reduce the inflammation. The specialist injects it in the cervical spine’s epidural space very carefully by following contrast dye and fluoroscopy (x-ray) guidance.

Consult with Us

If you are suffering from pain and inflammation due to cervical radiculopathy, then immediately consult with Neuroscience Specialists in OKC. They will guide you to reduce the pain and make a suitable treatment chart for you.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.