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Which Foods Should You Eat to Reduce Symptoms Of CTS?
Which Foods Should You Eat to Reduce Symptoms Of CTS?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is also known as median nerve compression. In this condition, the patient experienced tingling, numbness in the hand. When excessive pressure occurs on the median nerve that goes through the carpal tunnel in the wrist, CTS may happen. All of your fingers and the thumb are controlled by the nerve. If you experience itching, burning sensation in your thumb, drop things frequently and weakness, then you should visit a carpal tunnel surgeon near you as soon as possible.

However, we have shared a list of foods that help you to reduce the pain and symptoms as well. After a certain period of time, the situation may improve.

Red Bell Peppers

Patients who have carpal tunnel syndrome, mainly suffer from inflammation. The patients should eat antioxidant-rich foods that can reduce inflammation easily. According to the research, if you eat colored fruit and vegetables including yellow peppers, Red Bell Peppers, tomatoes, carrots it is very beneficial for these patients.


According to the clinical dietitians, eating salmon is very helpful to reduce inflammation due to carpal tunnel syndrome. Like salmon, tuna and other fatty fish are full of two omega-3 fats which are known as EPA and DHA and omega-3 fatty acids reduce pain and numbness in your hand. You can also take fish oil supplements in order to reduce symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. But before doing that, you should consult with a carpal tunnel surgeon near you if this is a proper dietary supplement for you.


There are various foods that are high in antioxidants that are beneficial as these foods can reduce inflammation due to carpal tunnel syndrome. The following foods are,

  • herbs and spices like parsley and turmeric

  • Walnuts, other nuts and pistachios.

  • Spinach and other dark leafy greens

  • Oranges and lemons

  • Berries, including blueberries, strawberries, and goji berries


You should eat pineapple to reduce inflammation because it has an enzyme which is known as bromelain. Keep in mind that you may allow taking the enzyme in a concentrated pill. But if you already take medicines such as blood thinners, antibiotics or aspirin, then you should contact the carpal tunnel surgeon near you before taking it.

Take foods full of Vitamin B12

According to the research, vitamin B12 supplementation reduces nerve damage and gets you some relief from the pain. The foods that have vitamin B12 are tuna, eggs, trout, clams, liver and salmon.

Contact Us

If you are suffering from inflammation and it ruins your daily life, then contact the doctors of Neuroscience Specialists in OKC. They will help you to find the most suitable solution.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.