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Yoga for Scoliosis Patients to Begin with
Yoga for Scoliosis Patients to Begin with

A regular yoga practice designed to treat scoliosis can help you lower the severity of your condition, fix the spinal posture, and enhance your balance. Here are four simple yoga positions that you may do at home to help you get started with yoga. It's crucial to begin slowly and gently, and as with any workout, consult your scoliosis specialist beforehand.

Mountain Pose

This is an excellent way to start your yoga practice. It improves core strength and balance, and it forces you to stand tall and steady, as if you were a mountain.

Tree Pose

The tree pose is another standing pose that can aid with posture, core strength, and overall balance. It can also help with stress relief.

Cow/Cat Pose

This pose extends the tendons and muscles for supporting the spine while opening up the gaps between your vertebrae.

Child Pose

This is a soothing stance that should be followed by the cat/cow pose.

Why is yoga good for scoliosis?

Yoga can be highly beneficial for people with scoliosis because of the combination of flexibility and core stabilization required to do yoga poses effectively.

Sides of the body should be stretched and strengthened

By completing a variety of movement patterns that necessitate a sustained retention of a given position, specialists claim that sections of the body are stretched and others are forced to constrict while practicing yoga. The thoracic spine often becomes more mobile as a result of this.

Reduce the amount of pain and stiffness in your body

When considering the stability of the spine, particularly for people with scoliosis, we consider two concepts: force and form closure. Scoliosis specialists claim that force closure strengthening (i.e. made up by connective tissue and muscles for keeping the spine in right alignment) the patient will get reduced pain and overall function betterment.

Maintain or enhance your spinal alignment.

In fact, a study of 25 scoliosis patients revealed that those who did the Side Plank pose get their major spinal scoliotic curve improved.

  • Spinal curvature tightens the stretch areas.
  • strengthen weakened areas impacted by the spine's position
  • strengthen the core overall
  • pain management
  • Enhance mobility and flexibility
  • Maintain or improve spinal position are some of the potential benefits of yoga for scoliosis.

If you enjoy these poses, seek out the advice of a yoga instructor to learn more. If you're thinking about taking a yoga class, search for a mentor who has expertise working with people who have spinal problems. Before starting any scoliosis treatment program you should always consult with your orthopedist or scoliosis specialist. This assures that practicing these exercises will not injure your skeletal system. See us at Neuroscience Specialists for more information and thoroughly guided treatment.

**Disclaimer- Information presented here is not intended to be qualified medical advice. Nothing expressed herein creates a doctor-patient relationship.